A (Not So) Brief Introduction, or “What the hell is this all about?”

I’m going to start this introduction out by assuming a few things… one of them being that if you are finding yourself here, you know who the “Warlock” Christian Day is, and are either a supporter of his, or someone who finds him to be vile trash due to his constant bad behavior.

But you may not know who I am, or why I am taking time out of my life to shine a spotlight on this particular herpes sore on the face of the Generic Pagan Community.

I am Amorella Moon, also known as Amanda Parker. I am a Poet-writer of sorts with Polytheistic leanings who, in 2013/14 became an unwilling epicenter of controversy due to releasing a screenshot of Day wishing me Rape-by-proxy by means he made 100% possible by DOXing me at the time.

And I have a few things to say.

The first of them is going to be why I am writing all this, why I reached out to people in the community he has hurt and abused, and what exactly my motivations for this writing are.

One thing you need to know, is that my actions are not coming from a place of personal anger or hate, nor fueled by wishes of revenge or retribution against Day. My anger for what he did to me personally turned to pity long ago.

But I am not Day’s only Victim.

So this site, this line in the sand, is being drawn by my personal sense of honor, and my strong aversion to complacency in the face of others being hurt. Even if it’s strangers.

I’m not doing this for anyone but those he has hurt. I’m not doing this at the behest of any group, or playing petty politics with anyone. That is one of the reasons I have kept this project so very close to pocket… to protect it from Pagan Politics in general and other peoples possible agendas.

There is also a reason I am focusing on Days behavior, and not the dust-ups he uses as excuses for them… and that reason is that Day, as a classic abuser, will never NOT have a handy excuse at the ready excusing his damage as other peoples fault.

Day, like all abusers, has a pattern. And I’m going to show it to you, using his own words and actions.

But firstly… I need to address the incident and all that has followed in these past years.

A number of months ago, while casually browsing Facebook, I came across a thread. A thread that both unknowingly referenced me, and was also calling for a boycott of people supporting a certain Velvet Wearing Warlock. Reading as voyeuristically as possible, I noticed a number of Ol’Trouncies supporters on-thread, yelling a good number of untrue things, not only about me, but about the shit-storm that broke out around me in 2014, when I made a screenshot available of this BNP behaving rather badly.

One of the things that has hounded my steps over the years over that incident is that, because I was literally scared to death for me and my kid’s lives, I let it (and myself) fall as far off the radar as possible, as quickly as possible. I disengaged out of fear, not of Day, but of any attention that might make me easy to find.

I gave no interviews. I made no calls to pagan shows. I wrote about it what I felt I needed to, and then I dropped it in the hopes that the (luckily dim) spotlight that had landed on me would just go away.

The thing is the ramifications of that incident never fully went away… as proved by the many instances of my name getting dragged through the mud by Day himself or used as an (often unwilling) pennant for peoples various grudges against him.

And let me tell you something: NOTHING is quite as surreal as seeing a screenshot you took while in shock show up on stranger’s walls YEARS after the fact, with a whole mythos built up around it. And I realize my relative silence about it only helped build that mythos up, and also allowed Day to spin any story that was convenient as “true”.

See, a thing I understood from the very start of the bullshit with Day is that I do not make a good “Victim” in most peoples eyes. Im ornery, mouthy, opinionated, and given to poking bears for my own amusement on my bad days. I cuss, I tell people to fuck off, and overall, I’m not winning any Miss Congeniality contests over here. I got that then, and I get that now. It’s hard to sympathize with someone “like me”.


But I am, quite frankly, just about over it all.

In all of the years between Day giving me a Rape-By-Proxy threat and now, my telling of events has never changed. My integrity over pointing to the actual facts of the matter, no matter HOW UNFLATTERING, has never wavered. And while I do have a hefty dose of resentment over the ways in which this has followed me around, when it is brought to my doorstep I never fail to straighten my spine and address it in the most honest of ways. Integrity. It’s like… really important to me.

So allow me to very carefully lay out some facts, that I can back up BY USING DAYS OWN FUCKING WORDS.

THING ONE: Yes, Christian Day DOXed the HELL out of me, and caused me to lose my pen name, forcing me to use my Legal name for about a two-week stint in 2014.


THING TWO: Yes, I freaked ALL THE WAY OUT about it, and was all kinds of mean to him about it. Day put me and my children at risk when he DOXed me. It was not uncommon knowledge at the time that I had a stalker that I was hiding away from. A stalker whos favorite pastime was telling me he would let me pick out how my children would die.

THING THREE: Yes, Day made the rape-by-proxy threat that I screenshotted. And yes, I fully believe he meant it. He can piddlefuck around about it all he wants, but one does not make a statement like that in jest.

THING FOUR: I had nothing to gain by making it public then. I have nothing to gain by talking about it now.

THING FIVE: I had a very large number of people at the time of this incident trying to coach me in the background in “How to deal with this”. The majority of that advice was “Hush.”… I regret listening to them, because in the vacuum of my voice, untruths sprung up and Day has just kept on heaping abuses on women.

As an FYI, I am treating this site (which started as an extended essay) as on ongoing project, with sections to make it easer to find the information within, and sadly, easer to update. I will at some point have a Dropbox created to house the screenshots I’m referencing for full context, although in many instances identities will be removed at the request of the people who passed them along.

Now, let us stop beating around bushes and get to the meat of the matter shall we?


UPDATE: This page is being publsihed in it’s bare bones state for reasons beyond my control. It should be in no way considered finished, as I still have far too many proofs to sort and lay out for you. Please check back for updates often, and if you have more proofs you would like to pass along, I can always be reached at bringthelight2day@protonmail.com